real food

We’re still at home! 15 days now and counting. Zoe’s appointments have been going well and they couldn’t be more happy with her. I’m so proud of her!

Zoe’s started looking most intently at my food, (particularly coffee…she seems to have an eye for that as does Annika. Give it a year and I’ll have to buy her a Babychino as well!) so I’ve started trying her on some solids. I don’t have much experience starting solids. Annika was a terrible eater- not interested in any solids until seven months old, and then refused to eat anything but strawberries for the next few months- so just having a baby that looks interested in food is a novelty to me.


I’ve started off by just giving her some food that we’re eating- plain rice noodles, avocado and carrot slices and so on- and letting her play with them. Plain rice noodles have been the most popular so far. They’ve made it as far as her mouth but I doubt she actually ate any of them, just squished them a bit. I did have a moment yesterday where I thought she ate her avocado but it turns out that Annika got sick of waiting for her to eat it and polished it off herself.

I’ve been told not to worry about what is in the food (potassium wise being the main thing- Zoe can have trouble getting rid of potassium) as it’s unlikely she’ll eat enough of them (very true!) to make any sort of difference. I’m sort of in a bit of a rush to get her up and started though, which I never was with A as I don’t want to leave it too long and have her not wanting solids at all. Some kids with kidney issues have severe oral aversion and I’m hoping to avoid that with Zoe (without resorting to feeding her coffee!)

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